Museo della Carta e della Filigrana


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Location Palazzo Comunale
Address L.go G. Leopardi, 1
Fax +39 0737 427 15 Associazione turistica PRO Pioraco
Orario Apertura Festivi e Prefestivi Mattino 10.30-12.30; Pomeriggio: 16.00-18.00. Apertura nei giorni feriali per visite su prenotazione di gruppi di almeno 15 persone
Property Civic
Situation 10.00-12.00/16.00-18.00 (closed on Mondays)
Note The museum displays paper and watermarks. Paper manufacturing in Pioraco can be dated back to the second half of the 14th century. The profusion of water and the fortunate location of the village helped in the establishment of the prestigious “fulling-mills”, which gained remarkable importance in a period when the small medieval village became a strategic fortified garrison owned by the Varano family, Lords of Camerino. One of the peculiar characteristics of this antique paper industry is the watermark production, several examples of which can be seen in the exhibition.

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